
918 阅读 发布日期:2024-06-12 15:26:06






研究兴趣:智能系统分析与信息处理 复杂系统建模 预测理论与方法研究


讲授课程:离散数学 信息工程专业导论



段辉明,博士教授、硕士生导师,青海理工学院计算机与信息科学学院专任教师,中国优选法统筹与经济数学研究会灰色系统专业委员会常务理事,入选青海省昆仑英才高端创新创业人才领军人才称号。主要从事复杂智能系统建模理论,智能系统分析与信息处理,预测理论与方法研究。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,主持教育部人文社科规划项目等省部级项目多项。在Applied Soft ComputingApplied Mathematical ModellingEngineering Applications of Artificial IntelligenceEnergyISA Transactions《系统工程理论与实践》等国内外重要学术期刊发表论文50余篇,其中SCI/SSCI源刊40+篇,ESI全球前1%高被引论文8篇,在科学出版社出版学术专著1部。














15G车联网环境下短时交通流灰色预测建模及信号灯智能控制研究(No. 72171031)2021/01-2025/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,在研主持;

2基于路网的短时交通流灰色模型预测与规划管理研究(No. 18YJA630022)2018/06-2021/08,教育部人文社科规划项目,结题,主持;

3基于数据驱动的道路短时交通流灰预测建模研究(No. cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0649),重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,2020/07-2023/06结题,主持

4基于灰色机器学习在智能交通中的应用研究(2020BS58,重庆市社会科学规划项目,2021/01-2023/12, 结题,主持

5基于图同构判定算法的完备残差图最优性质的研究(No. KJ1600425), 2016/07-2018/06,重庆市教委科学技术研究项目,结题,主持







[1] Duan HM*, Luo XL. A novel multivariable grey prediction model and its application in forecasting coal consumption, ISA Transactions, 2022, 120: 110-127. (ESI高被引)

[2] Duan HM*, Wang G. Partial differential grey model based on control matrix and its application in short-term traffic flow prediction, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2023, 116: 763-785. (ESI高被引)

[3] Duan HM*, Xiao XP, Xiao QZ. An inertia grey discrete model and its application in short-term traffic flow prediction and state determination. Neural Computing and Applications, 2020, 32:8617–8633. (ESI高被引)

[4] Xiao XP, Duan HM*, Wen JH. A Novel Car-following Inertia Grey Model and its Application in Forecasting Short-term Traffic Flow. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 87: 546–570. (ESI高被引)

[5] Xiao XP, Duan HM*. A new grey model for traffic flow mechanics. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2020, 87: 546–570. (ESI高被引)

[6] Zeng B*, Duan HM, Zhou YF, A new multivariable grey prediction model with structure compatibility. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019, (75):385-397. (ESI 热点)

[7] Zeng B*, Duan HM, Bai Y, Meng W. Forecasting the output of shale gas in China using an unbiased grey model and weakening buffer operator. Energy, 2018, 151: 238-249. (ESI 高被引)

[8] Duan HM*, Pang XY. A novel grey prediction model with system structure bBased on energy background: A case study of Chinese electricity, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 390: 136099. (SCI一区、Top期刊)

[9] Nie WG, Duan HM*. A novel multivariable grey differential dynamic prediction model with new structures and its application to carbon emissions, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023,122: 106174. (SCI一区)

[10] Duan HM*, Liu YM, Wang G, A novel dynamic time-delay grey model of energy prices and its application in crude oil price forecasting, Energy, 2022, 251, 123968. (SCI一区、Top期刊)

[11] Duan HM*, Pang XY, A multivariate grey prediction model based on energy logistic equation and its application in energy prediction in China, Energy, 2021, 229 , 120716. (SCI一区、Top期刊)

[12] Duan HM*, Liu YM, Research on a grey prediction model based on energy prices and its applications, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, 162, 107729. (SCI二区)

[13] Luo XL, Duan HM*, Xu K. A novel grey model based on traditional Richards model and its application in COVID-19. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2021, 142:110480. (SCI 一区)

[14] Duan HM*, Wang D, Pang XY, Liu YM and Zeng SH. A novel forecasting approach based on multi-kernel nonlinear multivariable grey model: A case report. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 260: 120929. (SCI一区、Top期刊)

[15] Duan HM*, Xiao XP, Long J and Liu YZ. Tensor alternating least squares grey model and its application to short-term traffic flows. Applied Soft Computing Journal, 2020, 89: 106145. (SCI一区, Top期刊)

[16] Luo XL, Duan HM*, He LYH. A novel Riccati equation grey model and its application iforecasting clean energy. Energy, 2020, 205: 118085. (SCI 一区、Top期刊)

[17Duan HM*, He CL. A new circular neural grey model and its application to CO2 emissions in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 445: 141318. (SCI一区、Top期刊)

[18] Duan HM*. Song YX, Grey prediction model based on Euler equations and its application in highway short-term traffic flow, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2024, 112:10191–10214. (SCI二)

[19Duan HM*, Zhou QQ. A Novel Partial Grey Prediction Model Based on Traffic Flow Wave Equation and Its Application, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2024, 133: 108142. (SCI一区)

[20] Duan HM*, Nie WG.A novel grey model based on Susceptible Infected Recovered Model: A case study of COVD-19,Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications,2022, 602, 127622. (SCI二区)

[21] 段辉明*,何成琳,王思琦,黄江波,灰色微分动态多变量预测模型及其应用,系统工程理论与实践2022,425),1402-1412.

[22] 段辉明*,肖新平, 惯性灰色模型及其应用性质研究, 中国管理科学, 2022, 30(3), 269-279.



[1]一种基于时空数据的短时交通流预测方法,已授权ZL 2023 1 0913245.2. (排第一)

[2]一种基于循环神经灰色模型的短时交通流预测方法,已授权 ZL 2023 1 0916418.6. (排第一)

[3] 一种基于数据波动性的短时交通流预测方法, 已受理 202410214378.5. (排第一)

[4]一种变系数灰色模型短时交通流预测方法,已受理 202410214378.5. (排第一)



[1]段辉明,杨世辉,曾波, 图的分解和完备残差图,科学出版社出版,2016.12.
